Move over, spring – autumn has arrived and is coming in full speed! As we approach the colder months, now is the perfect time to stay in and do a little deep cleaning. To help out, our team at Progressive Builders has put together four cleaning tips to get you settled and into the autumn spirit.
1. Bust out the blankets.
Before you break out all the cozy blankets and throws, make sure you’ve cleaned them properly. They may be musty from sitting in storage during the summer months. If your materials are more delicate, invest in preserving them by taking a trip to the dry cleaner’s. Otherwise, you can pop them in the wash before you set them out.
2. Get ready to heat.
You’re going to be cranking up the heater soon and you’ll want to make sure that all your devices are working properly. Before you do, vacuum the heating grates, radiators, and baseboard heaters. As the temperature cools down, store your outdoor hoses correctly. Disconnect them and make sure they’re properly drained to avoid having a frozen or broken hose.
3. Do a deep clean.
You can do a deep cleaning in any season. Choose one project that you can do on a cold, cozy night in. For example, you can do a deep cleaning of your kid’s bedrooms. Go under the beds and sweep all those dust bunnies away. Get them involved by creating fun tasks that they can help with.
4. Get the dust bunnies.
Speaking of dust, go through your house and wipe everything down. As you spend more time inside, any open doors or windows can bring in a lot of dust. Wash any bedding that’s been sitting around and wipe down the windowsills and door frames. For an even deeper clean, wipe the leaves off your plants and in between your keyboards and remotes to get rid of all the dust that’s built up.
In addition to tidying up your space, fall is the perfect time to give your home a fresh, new look. If remodeling is on your mind, contact Progressive Builders to schedule a consultation. We’ll help you make your place feel more like home.
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