5 Ways to Find Out if Your Home Needs a New Roof

Nothing beats the satisfaction of knowing that you have a solid roof over your head. After all, you want to make sure that your hard work – whether it was through interior decoration or even a home remodel – stays protected!

Here are five ways to help you determine whether or not it’s time to replace your roof:

  1. Curling shingles.
    Caused from weathering, curled shingles can happen when the edges or the middle of a shingle are turned upward. This can indicate that problems may be just around the corner and you might need a new roof in one to five years, depending on the damage.
  2. Missing shingles.
    Sure, missing shingles can be replaced as they fall off. The issue here, however, is considering the availability of shingles that match those that are already on your roof. It’s somewhat impossible to find a proper match, since the colors of shingles change over time. You can keep replacing them as they fall, but as the roof begins to look more like a chessboard, it may be time to replace the whole roof.
  3. Cracking shingles.
    This is usually indicative of wind damage. If only a few shingles are cracked, you can just replace them. If the damage isn’t isolated, you may want to consider getting a new roof.
  4. Sun shining through the attic.
    If you have an attic, take a look to see if there is light shining through. If light can get in, so can other elements. Look for water stains and potentially monitor during storms to see if you have an active leak. If you detect holes or leaks, it’s definitely time to replace your roof.
  5. Sagging roof.
    If your roof is hanging low, this is usually a sign of a structural problem that you absolutely need a professional to investigate for you, as it could be indicative of problems with the foundation.

If it’s time to replace your roof, be sure to call Progressive Builders! From interior remodels to roof installation, we can do it all. Contact us today to learn more about our list of services.

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